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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dog Grooming 101

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Dogs are never different from human as they need proper grooming once in a while. Canines need to be bathe, brushed, trimmed and be dressed as well. Though clothing is not required for all breeds, since some are too hairy this can already warm them in extreme coldness. The grooming depends on the breed and hair type of the pet. There are some conditions which alter proper grooming such as skin, ear, and nail conditions that requires advice from the veterinarian.


Brushing is enjoyed by every dog in the world; it prevents hair balls, tangles, strengthens the coat of the pet and promotes bonding between the owner and the pet but it also depends on the hair type of the dog.


Trimming depends on how fast their nails can grow which causes and advantage and disadvantage for the pet. The advantage of the process is to prevent your pet from scratching their ears ending up nearly wounded. It helps towards keeping your house scratch free. It will also contribute to an overall safety for your children as you will be rest assured that your precious little ones may play with them continuously but never forget that these dogs have fangs which may also hurt them but through proper training, these dogs will be their best buds.

The disadvantage is when their nails are trimmed to short which causes pain and eventually leads to trauma. In that incident trimming might not be done again. There are veterinarians and pet groomer which are the masters of this art they may teach you the proper ways to handle their paws.


Bathing are not fun for some dogs. Bathing them once a month or twice a week will not harm your pets. Make sure that their shampoo is soap-free and intended for the dog’s condition. There are some shampoos which are highly recommended by veterinarians that are hypoallergenic for your pet.


Dogs have never escape ear problems, their ears are haven for bacteria, yeast and other microorganisms. Some dogs may acquire chronic ear problems which might require multiple cleaning each day. Some conditions are caused by genetics, skin allergies and some are caused by careless owners. If such cases prevail, make sure to visit your veterinarian as they will have a prescribed medication for such condition.


Poodle and Shih Tzu are the most common dogs that continuously grow their hair which requires trimming every 2-4 weeks. The procedure still depends on the breed and style of the haircut. This is often times handled by professional groomers though hands-on owners may learn basic maintenance haircuts. There are dog grooming schools which offer trainings and seminars for dog lovers.

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